- 제목
- (241111) Understanding the Barriers to PaternityLeave-Taking : Evidence from Japan
- 작성일
- 2024.11.01
- 작성자
- 경제연구소
- 게시글 내용
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발표자: Hitoshi Shigeoka (University of Tokyo).
주제: Understanding the Barriers to Paternity Leave-Taking: Evidence from Japan
장소: 대우관 본관 3층 323호 (송하경홀)
날짜: 11월 11일 월요일 오후 2시 00분~ 오후 4시 00분
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교수님들의 많은 참석을 부탁드리며 대학원생들이 참여할 수 있도록 적극 권유해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Paternity leave has been proposed as a policy response in many countries to promote a more equitable division of childcare within the household and accelerate the adjustment of traditional gender norms. We study the barriers to paternity-leave taking in Japan, a country with one of the most generous parental leave policies for working parents, but very low rates of paternity leave take-up. Our focus is on the role of male employee beliefs about prevailing norms surrounding paternity leave-taking, employer support for leave-taking, and perceptions of the career impacts of taking paternity leave, which we elicit using representative surveys of individuals and managers. We document that the vast majority of Japanese male employees are supportive of (and keen to take) 2 months/1 month of paternity leave, yet substantially underestimate how supportive their managers and co-workers are toward new fathers taking paternity leave of the same duration. Further, they also overestimate the extent to which managers’ perceive that taking paternity leave would result in negative career impacts. We conduct a pilot information experiment among married male employees and provide suggestive evidence that correcting misperceptions about the extent of support among middle managers led to a shift in their attitudes and beliefs, but only among those who could accurately recall the information. A major challenge that we plan to tackle in follow-up work is how to correct these misperceptions in a credible, meaningful, and scalable way.