- 제목
- (241220) Yonsei Workshop on International Economics
- 작성일
- 2024.12.09
- 작성자
- 경제연구소
- 게시글 내용
안녕하세요. 연세대학교 경제학부 BK21 교육연구단과 경제연구소에서는 다음과 같은 주제로 특강 및 워크숍을 개최합니다.
Yonsei Workshop on International Economics장소: 대우관 본관 3층 323호 (송하경 홀)날짜: 12월 20일 금요일, 오전 9시~ 오후 4시 40분[Session 1] Liquidity and Contractual Problems in International Economics (9:00 -10:00 AM)
발표자 1: Ryan Kim (Johns Hopkins University)주제: Liquidity Shocks and Firm Exports: Evidence from Cash Shortages during India's Demonetization발표자 2: Seowoo Han (Yonsei University)주제: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Cross-Border M&As: Understanding through Legal Origins[Session 2] Environment and Health Issues under Globalization (10:10 -11:10 AM)
발표자 3: Han Yang (Academia Sinica)주제: A General Equilibrium Assessment of Global Emission and Economic Impacts: Stimulating Climate Action through the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism발표자 4: Jungjun Park & Minwoo Shin (Yonsei University)주제: Striking a Balance Between Workplace Safety and Compliance Costs: Firm-level Adaptation to Increasing Liability for Industrial Accidents[Session 3] Unintended Consequences of Trade and Labor Market Policies (11:20 -12:20 AM)
발표자 5: Younghoon Kim (UCLA)주제: When Export Controls Backfire: Evidence from 2019 Korea-Japan Trade Dispute발표자 6: Elizabeth Kwon (Yale University)주제: The Role of City Minimum Wage in Firm's Entry and Exit Decisions During the COVID-19 Pandemic[Session 4] Conflicts across Nations (14:30 -15:30 AM)
발표자 7: Ziho Park (National Taiwan University)주제: To Comply or Not to Comply: Understanding Neutral Country Supply Chain Responses to Russian Sanctions발표자 8: Yujeong Lee (Yonsei University)주제: Incursion of Ethnic Diversity: Immigration and Public Goods Provisions in the U.S.[Session 5] The Return to Protectionism (15:40 -16:40 AM)
발표자 9: Xiaomei Sui (University of Hong Kong)주제: Incomplete Tariff Pass-through at the Firm Level: Evidence from U.S.-China Trade Dispute발표자 10: Jisoo Hong (Yonsei University)주제: Does Protectionism Save Domestic Jobs?: New Evidence from Tariffs on Washing Machines자세한 내용은 아래의 포스터를 확인해 주시면 되겠습니다.
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