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(241119) House prices, housing wealth and household wellbeing - evidence from Australia
게시글 내용

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발표자: Rebecca Edwards  (University of Sydney).

주제: House prices, housing wealth and household wellbeing - evidence from Australia 

장소: 대우관 본관 3층 323호 (송하경홀)

날짜: 11월 19일 화요일 오후 2시 00분 ~ 오후 3시 30분

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House price variation strongly affects households’ housing wealth and debt. A more recent literature looks beyond the impacts on consumption to study the broader effects on household outcomes. Our work has examined the consequences of these changes in housing wealth on perceived financial well-being, physical and mental health as well as labour supply and time use. To study these effects we exploit plausibly exogenous spatial and temporal variation in house prices in Australia, paired with rich longitudinal survey data. We find that unexpected increases in house prices improve the perceived financial well-being of home owners. Theory suggests the impacts will vary by housing tenure status and indeed we find that the impact is strongest for mortgaged home owners, suggesting a strong collateral effect. Likewise, an increase in local house prices is associated with a positive effect on the physical health of outright owners and a negative effect on the physical and mental health of renters. Our research highlights some of the often-overlooked social impacts - both positive and negative - of fluctuations in the housing market.